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Successfully delivering large-scale modular projects integrating MMC, BIM & the digital twin approach

The team at mac-group specialises in the Construction & Project Management of complex, fast track projects in the commercial office and high-end residential sectors, utilising Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)


By integrating advanced construction methods, renewable energy solutions and smart infrastructure, we have been able to support our clients drive towards a knowledge-based economy through innovative working processes.

We specialise in the project management of complex, fast track projects in the commercial and residential sectors, with a portfolio of successfully completed projects throughout Europe.

Our independently certified delivery standards work seamlessly with local and international guidelines and regulations, our approach provides benefits of speeding up delivery, reducing labour costs, eliminating unnecessary waste and improving quality and health & safety.



Why does it work so well?


Where a BIM constructs and designs, a digital twin manages and maintains, MMC de-risks, accelerates and improves quality of delivery.

Digitalisation can achieve valuable savings for construction projects.


Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is a term used to describe the design, planning and manufacturing of construction components in a factory-controlled setting, rather than using traditional on-site construction techniques. This includes methods such as modular construction, panelised construction, off-site fabrication and 3D printing. All factory-made elements are then assembled on-site for a faster build time and improved quality control.  

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process that encourages collaborative working between all disciplines involved in design, construction, maintenance and use of buildings, with all parties sharing the same digital information, simultaneously, and in the same format. This helps to inform the commercial viability of a project whilst mitigating risks and enabling positive collaboration.

A Digital Twin is an exact replica of a construction project or asset, created by combining several types of data into a single platform, including 3D models, sensor data and real-time performance. Engineering principles, coupled with Artificial Intelligence – are applied to the digital model to obtain new data about the building, enabling better management of the physical component. 


#TEAMmac are determined to disrupt traditional methods of construction through MMC, we will share our journey with you as we collaborate with leading design and construction partners to transform the worlds idea of sustainable construction!




Autodesk Phase 1


Autodesk Phase 1 & 2


Autodesk Phase 2


BD Medical Drogheda


Bristol-Myers Squibb – Cruiserath


Oracle – Block A


Oracle – Block B


Oracle – Block C


Treasury Docks – Dublin



"On behalf of Fidelity, I would like to thank all of you and your teams for the tremendous effort that has been put in to our Dublin project since we first got together last November. We have delivered a first class project to a challenging programme. Comments received include ‘…looks fabulous…’ and ‘ love the space - really impressive…’ so I guess that we must have done something right…!"

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Christopher Tibble,
Construction and Project Management Associate Director, Fidelity International Limited

"When we got our tender documents back from the 5 big brand contractors in Dublin and we assessed them all, mac-interiors stood out because they clearly understood our concerns."

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Michael Hynes,
Director, Head of Real Estate, Lone Star Funds

"From the initial kick-off meeting, we were satisfied that we had employed a team of construction professionals that were certain to deliver the project. You delivered it all without compromise."

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Gordon McNair,
Global Real Estate Project Manager, Hewlett Packard

“mac-interiors worked perfectly with our in-house team…every step of the way there was consultation and a lot of leadership from mac as well.”

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Michael Wilson,
Managing Director , UTV Ireland

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