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Top Construction Professionals Play for Charity


Do you know who the construction industry's finest golfers are?

Friends of mac came out to Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links last Thursday in aid of Tiglin. Spirits were high among these construction professionals as the rain held off and the craic was mighty!

As well as a Champagne Scramble and Yellow Ball competition, our golfers were challenged to ‘Beat the Pro’ David Higgins, and ‘Beat the Mac’ Paul McKenna.

The construction industry showed the depth of their generosity – we raised a total of €68,713 for the charity Tiglin that helps people caught in a cycle of addiction and homelessness. mac became involved with Tiglin through donating stripped-out materials to refurbish their residential centre in Wicklow and have since committed to donating our time, finances, expertise and manpower to refurbish their new facility in Greystones.

Laughs for the evening were provided for by Oliver Callan who showed no mercy for anyone in the room. Least of all our own Brendan Moley and Alex Murphy!


Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to all who joined us in #GivingBack to a truly worthy cause.

We’ll see you at the next one!

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