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mac-group enters Saudi Arabia


#TEAMmac Enters Saudi Arabia

For over 25 years Mac-group have successfully delivered high quality projects for our repeat multinational clients, our company has been built on an ethos of trust, talent, authenticity, loyalty and to question assumptions. Mac-group has been at the forefront of construction, restoration, and repurposing projects, aligning seamlessly with the ambitious goals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

We embrace cutting-edge technologies using BIM/MMC and digital construction techniques, our project specific QHSE policies have enabled us to deliver over 1500 projects safely and without serious injury or fatality for over 25 years, we use internationally approved sustainable practices in every project.

By integrating advanced construction methods, renewable energy solutions and smart infrastructure, we can also use these tools to support the Kingdom’s drive towards a knowledge based economy. Our continuous pursuit of innovation not only enhances project efficiency, but also promotes the development of local talent and expertise in emerging technologies.

We also specialise in the Project Management of complex, fast track projects in the commercial office and high-end residential sectors, whilst mac-group was founded in Ireland in 2002, we have completed successful projects throughout Europe. Our independently certified delivery standards work seamlessly with local and international guidelines and regulations.

We are delighted to push ahead to understand how best we can support The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) in delivering Modern Methods of Construction, embracing making new connections and partnering with global construction leaders.

Mac-group are focussed on accelerating KSA project development without compromising the original vision, the importance of collaboration, robust infrastructure development and aligned supply chains, all of which are vital to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 goals.


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