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Iconic Dublin Project lands on LEED Platinum



You’re a successful business that is building a legacy. You invest in research, development.  You invest in people. You want to maximise productivity.  And you want a happy, healthy workforce.  Fundamental to this is the building in which you and your people operate, prosper and flourish.

Recently we embarked on a project with aircraft aviation and leasing company.  It was a collaboration between client, designer and builder, resulting in the achievement of the highest possible recognition that the U.S. Green Building Council has to give: the LEED Platinum Rating. LEED is the global green building rating system that inspires project teams to continually find ways to better our environment and our communities.

A project of this level of distinction requires a commitment to careful planning, a determination to overcome challenges and of course a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impacts of the job. mac worked with Meehan Green  and CBRE to bring this accreditation to fruition in the context of:


Aercap HQ in St. Stephen’s Green is designed with human health and wellness in mind and according to WELL standard recommendations. It’s a great example of biophilic design, with nature-derived patterns, elegant curvy lines reminiscent of the natural environment.

Dust Control

Maintaining good air quality during construction was the main challenge in achieving construction LEED credits, as most of the buildings’ windows are not operable and multiple sources of pollution were present during construction – volatile organics from the large amounts of adhesive and lacquer used for application and coating of veneer to the feature stairs and fine dust resulting from terrazzo grinding. Due to extra housekeeping efforts, use of HEPA filtered air scrubbers and many other control measures employed, air quality after construction proved to be to a high standard, as verified by the indoor air quality test passed after construction works were complete.

LEED Expertise

mac have invested in providing capabilities to support environmentally sustainable commercial spaces: we employ 20% of Ireland’s LEED-certified professionals as well as our in-house LEED AP Katsiaryna Mazur.  Kat has more than an in-depth knowledge of LEED, she also has the professionalism and enthusiasm to propel the whole team towards bringing the project to fruition.

Learn more about our sustainability approach here.

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