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Business as Usual – the New Usual


By: #TEAMmac


mac-group Construction Sites Reopen in Ireland

It is great to have a touch of normality returning to mac-group today with the reopening of our construction sites in Ireland. mac-group is unequivocally implementing the recommended guidelines from the World Health Organisation on all our sites. We take our responsibility to maintain the highest standards for the health and safety of our staff, subcontractors and the local community in which we operate very seriously. This commitment is demonstrated with a strict protocol comprising of daily white board meetings and tool box talks which are focused on embedding a culture of default behaviours that inhibit the spread of COVID-19. Thank you to our amazing mac staff and the staff of our subcontractors and suppliers for helping us to ensure that we achieve the highest possible level of compliance.

Social distancing at 35 Shelbourne Road

As individuals we have taken personal responsibility for inhibiting the spread of the virus and we are stronger together.

Every site has a Covid Compliance Officer
Morning tool box talks at a distance.
Office entrance
Temperature testing and hand sanitising station
Site entrance
Temperature testing before entrance
Social distancing
Site and office posters
Protective suit for our temperature testing
Social distancing

#ProgressingResponsibly #StrongerTogether

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