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Spotters, SpeedGuns and Short Sleeves



Bristol Myers Squibb have contracted mac for the construction of Lab, Office and Canteen with ancillary cleanroom, on the 30,000sqm, state of the art, €720m Bristol Myers Squibb biologics manufacturing facility at Cruiserath, Dublin 15.  Building a specialised job of this nature comes with its own set of unique challenges and mac have put some strict Health and Safety protocols in place throughout the site to facilitate the smooth running of this project:

  • Mobiles phone use is only authorised in designated areas.  All communication on site between supervisors and H+S is via walkie-talkies with each contractor assigned a specific channel.
  • All Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) have an operative trained in the use of this plant, assigned to act as a “spotter”. This spotter stays at the MEWP all day and monitor/guide all MEWP movements. MEWP’s are at all times fully cordoned off by way of crowd barriers, with the spotter ensuring no one enters this cordon.
  • A daily, location-specific MEWP permit is required..
  • Task specific, daily Safe Plans of Action (SPAs) are compiled for all works on site.
  • All out of hours works require a permit for which, if there is to be >20 operatives on site, a safety officer must be present.
  • A full time safety officer for >20 operatives, two fulltime safety officers for >60 operatives and three safety officers for >100 operatives on site.
  • There is a strict 20km/h speed limit on all approach roads to BMS, with 16km/h being the maximum speed limit on site – security is charged with enforcing this requirement and are equipped with speed guns.
  • All persons require a security badge to enter BMS – no security badge = no entry.
  • All cars must reverse park at all times in carpark areas.
  • No short sleeves on site

The clear objective for mac is for all operatives to go home safely at the end of each day.  We have zero Lost Time Incidents on our safety track record, and we  are continually monitoring and analysing the effectiveness of our safety strategies.

Safety Is No Accident




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