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Safety Is No Accident


Health and Safety on our sites is culturally ingrained – it’s endemic.

Health and Safety is a key objective of our Management Board that has been achieved through continual systemic fortification of safety attitudes and investing in creative ways to achieve buy-in from operatives. When safety is second nature, there is rarely a need to enforce sanctions for breaches.

Health and Safety has been implemented and reinforced by various precautions such as daily white board meetings, project specific site safety inspections, weekly health and safety meetings, experienced site supervisors, site and project managers who are trained to MSIC standard and workshops for site teams to allow them to engage with their responsibilities. By taking these precautions, mac’s health and safety statistics really are no accident!

An example of mac’s exemplary health and safety achievements is in our Baldonnell projects. Mountpark Unit A and B continued to excel throughout their project lifetime from a health and safety perspective with continued A grades achieved at monthly internal safety audits. mac had a clean bill of health from an accident statistic perspective on these projects, due to their teams continued proactive approach to safety management on both phases of these projects. Both of these projects were awarded Gold Considerate Constructors Scheme National Site Awards. Read more on this here.

Health and safety is not just a requirement, but a priority. Here at mac, the safety of our employees, our subcontractors and our clients is second nature and will always comes first. With the growing threat of COVID-19 we strongly believe in promoting a culture of health and safety throughout our sites now more than ever! We will continue to promote good health and safety throughout the year.

Darren Bourke Group EHS Manager

mac have developed interesting ways to encourage employees, subcontractors and clients to be actively involved in ensuring they are following the health and safety guidelines. During CIF Safety Week 2020, through mac’s various social media platforms, ‘Egg Updates’ were posted on the CIF health and safety theme dedicated to each day. Mr.Egghead is a site mascot for mac’s CIF Safety Week, using a fun way to draw attention to the important issues regarding health and safety.

mac also run monthly health and safety initiatives with a number of different awards handed out each month. Safety Site of the Month ROI & UK, Safety Champion of the Month ROI & UK and individual site awards including Contractor of the Month, Going the Extra Mile, and Safety Observation Report of the Month. Individuals are rewarded with a €50/£50 One For All voucher and are featured on our weekly health and safety poster and the sites are awarded a group gift. Pictured below is EHS Officer Julia Kormisina awarding our City Quay project as Safety Site of the Month ROI, accepted on behalf of BeSpoke PM Emer Donlon.

City Quay

Take a look at some of the highlights from CIF Safety Week 2020 below.

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