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Bringing Virtual Construction to Reality


Digital Construction

Our Digital Operations team use VR / AR technology to create a virtual model for our clients. Interaction with the BIM Model reduces the need for site visits and enhances remote collaboration opportunities.

BIM360 design is used for cloud collaboration of the live model, which enables remote working for the design team. mac are trained and experienced in the management of BIM360. With ‘Insite VR’ for BIM360, it enables our team to host online meetings inside the virtual BIM model.

We use Enscape and Fuzor for 4D VR BIM, allowing programmers and managers to assess ‘planned vs actual’ progress without having to visit site. 

View our client walkthrough below from our Design and Build fit out of Cushman & Wakefield’s flagship office and shopfront on 164 Shelbourne Road, in the heart of Dublin 4.

Take the virtual tour…

Content loading below… take a virtual tour of this Design & Build fit out! Using the mouse or your keyboard to walk through the full project, if you have a headset put it on and enjoy!

View the finished project below.

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