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Quantum Distribution Park – Unit 2

Unit 2 Quantum Distribution Park

Kilshane Cross, Newtown, Co. Dublin


Project Works Description

Quantum Distribution Park – Unit 2 is part of a development of 4 no. warehouses and comprises 99,000 sq. ft. of warehousing and office spaces. The development also includes the repositioning of the site access to the north of the site to provide a new entrance. A second vehicular access was provided to the south-west. Road upgrade works were completed which included the partial upgrade of Kilshane Cross signalised junction to incorporate a left turning lane and upgraded signals. New cycle paths and pedestrian footpaths were also provided. This project is aiming to achieve LEED Gold  and BREEAM Excellent certification.

Siteworks include internal roadways; pedestrian access; 90 No. ancillary car parking spaces, 10 No. bicycle parking; 12 No. loading docks, 2 No. grade access doors and associated yard; level access goods doors; hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments; ESB substations; signage; PV panels; lighting and associated site development works above and below ground. The total gross floor area of the development is 54,763 sq m (including warehouse structures, gate house and ESB substations).

The Quantum Distribution Park warehouse is designed as a single compartment, open plan arrangement. This allows for maximum flexibility in racking arrangements and work flow. The ancillary open plan office and main staff facilities, are offset from the main building. A marshalling office with ancillary staff facilities are centrally located to the loading bay areas. HGV / Marshalling Yard Traffic is purposefully separated from the Staff / Visitor parking areas.

Electrical Scope

General services & small power, lighting and emergency lighting and control systems, communications & IT services, access control, fire alarm installation, security installations, PV roof panels and lift installations.

Mechanical Scope

Site services installation including rainwater harvesting system, soils & wastes, mains water and gas services. Building installations including hot & colder water storage, domestic hot water generation, space heating & cooling (VRF system), ventilation & heat recovery units, fire & smoke dampers and a BMS.

Sustainability/Environmental aspects

The incorporation of Sustainable Energy Technologies beyond NZEB requirements and application of LEED Gold and BREEAM Excellent Standards.


Further Information:

More Construction Projects


Project Details

Size: 99,000 sq. ft.
Duration: 39 Weeks
Team: Client: Confidential
Architect: The O'Toole Partnership
Civil Engineer: O'Connor Sutton Cronin
Structural Engineer: Complete Design Partnership
Assigned Certifier: Garland Consulting

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