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Aerodrome Business Park – Unit Q2

Unit Q2 Aerodrome Business Park

Aerodrome Business Park, Rathcoole, Co Dublin


Project Works Description

The Aerodrome Unit 2 development comprised the design & build of a new warehouse with ancillary three-storey office and staff facilities and associated development. The warehouse has a parapet height of 17 metres with a gross floor area of 14,649 sq m including a warehouse area (13,494 sq m), ancillary office areas (1,099 sq m) and staff facilities (56 sq m). This project is seeking to achieve both BREEAM Very Good and LEED Gold certification.

The offices are purposefully designed to reflect a more commercial element by use of an articulated curtain wall façade, set within a feature rain screen cladding surround to first and second floors. This in turn, is expressed to float above the ground floor full height glazing and office entrance.

A 12 metre high, Green Wall Feature Panels have been incorporated along the East (Front) warehouse elevation addressing the primary aspect on to Jordanstown Road. They will serve a dual purpose in providing visual relief to the cladding back drop and offer greater bio-diversity and visual interest. The panels comprised of galvanised steel frames, off set from face of cladding, complete with stainless steel cable tie lattice network to accommodate vertical growth of self-clinging plants.

The development also includes the provision of new vehicular access/egress and a separate HGV access/egress onto the Jordanstown Road; internal roadways; pedestrian access; 152 No. ancillary car parking spaces; bicycle parking; HGV yard including 26 No. HGV parking stands and 18 No. loading docks; hard and soft landscaping including green walls; lighting; photo-voltaic panels; ESB substation and switch-room; plant; boundary treatments and associated development works above and below ground.

Electrical Scope

Full Electrical installation to office and welfare areas including the construction of a new ESB substation serving the building. Full Security and CCTV to the entire building both internally and externally.

Mechanical Scope

Full Mechanical installation to office and welfare areas including Thermal Dynamic Air to heat pumps and full VRF heating and ventilation system and Fire Hose Reel Installation to the warehouse.


Sustainability/Environmental aspects

The completed Aerodrome Unit 2 project is seeking to achieve both BREEAM Very Good and LEED Gold certification.


Further Information:

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Project Details

Size: 157,600 sq. ft
Duration: 47 Weeks
Team: Quantity Surveyor: KSN
Architect: The O'Toole Partnership
Services Consultant: Metec Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineer: O’Connor Sutton Cronin
Structural Engineer: Complete Design Partnership
Assigned Certifier: Garland Consulting

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